Poker is a big game with big stakes. Undying in its rivalry and popularity, it has cemented itself as a long-standing and legitimate career for many players. With prize pools soaring into the millions, there is more than just one big tournament to keep the professionals busy.
The WSOP Main Event
The World Series of Poker is the ultimate for experienced poker players. Established back in 1970, the WSOP Main Event has a buy-in of US$10,000, and attracts a field of American and international ‘die-hard’ players every year.Favoured by master players like Cliff Josephy, Michael Matusow, Tom Schneider and Jamie Gold, it can get a bit tough sticking it out to the next round. These guys have been in the business of poker playing for more than a decade and have had the persistence to make it to the big-time.
Poker Tournament Tours
Experiencing ever greater publicity, poker tours are world-class events that are worth playing and watching. With large tournaments such as World Poker Tour (WPT) and Europe Poker Tour (EPT) gathering a strong following, it’s no surprise tour games are now televised on major networks across the United States, Canada, Europe and Russia, and presented live on webcasts.Staged in some of Europe’s most elegant casinos including Barcelona and Monaco, EPT is celebrating its 10th anniversary and offers players some of the biggest prizes to be played for in European poker. All EPT Main Events have a buy-in of €5,000 to €10,000 and like most big tournaments, feature No Limit Texas Hold’em poker.
The Power of Poker
When the cards are down, it’s the big poker tournaments that keep viewers and players fixated. With high volume winnings and player nerves to rattle, all eyes stay focused on the prize. Whatever the windfall, it’s safe to say you can’t break it into the big tournaments until you play your cards right.